本网站是陈晖律师主理的专业涉外法律服务网站,陈晖律师,北京盈科(上海)律师事务所合伙人律师,上海财经大学法学硕士,经济学学士,国际贸易本科,CET-6,法律英语高级,专业涉外律师,盈科国际投资与贸易律师团队核心律师,... 详细>>
商务部部长:钟 山
序 号 | 特别管理措施 |
一、农、林、牧、渔业 | |
1 | 小麦、玉米新品种选育和种子生产须由中方控股。 |
2 | 禁止投资中国稀有和特有的珍贵优良品种的研发、养殖、种植以及相关繁殖材料的 生产(包括种植业、畜牧业、水产业的优良基因)。 |
3 | 禁止投资农作物、种畜禽、水产苗种转基因品种选育及其转基因种子(苗)生产。 |
4 | 禁止投资中国管辖海域及内陆水域水产品捕捞。 |
二、采矿业 | |
5 | 禁止投资稀土、放射性矿产、钨勘查、开采及选矿。 |
三、制造业 | |
6 | 出版物印刷须由中方控股。 |
7 | 禁止投资放射性矿产冶炼、加工,核燃料生产。 |
8 | 禁止投资中药饮片的蒸、炒、炙、煅等炮制技术的应用及中成药保密处方产品的生 |
9 | 除专用车、新能源汽车外,汽车整车制造的中方股比不低于50%,同一家外商可在 国内建立两家及两家以下生产同类整车产品的合资企业。(2020年取消商用车制造 外资股比限制。2022年取消乘用车制造外资股比限制以及同一家外商可在国内建立 两家及两家以下生产同类整车产品的合资企业的限制) |
10 | 卫星电视广播地面接收设施及关键件生产。 |
四、电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业 | |
11 | 核电站的建设、经营须由中方控股。 |
12 | 城市人口 50万以上的城市供排水管网的建设、经营须由中方控股。 |
五、批发和零售业 | |
13 | 禁止投资烟叶、卷烟、复烤烟叶及其他烟草制品的批发、零售。 |
六、交通运输、仓储和邮政业 | |
14 | 国内水上运输公司须由中方控股。 |
15 | 公共航空运输公司须由中方控股,且一家外商及其关联企业投资比例不得超过 25%,法定代表人须由中国籍公民担任。 |
16 | 通用航空公司的法定代表人须由中国籍公民担任,其中农、林、渔业通用航空公司 限于合资,其他通用航空公司限于中方控股。 |
17 | 民用机场的建设、经营须由中方相对控股。 |
18 | 禁止投资空中交通管制。 |
19 | 禁止投资邮政公司、信件的国内快递业务。 |
七、信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业 | |
20 | 电信公司:限于中国入世承诺开放的电信业务,增值电信业务的外资股比不超过 50% (电子商务、国内多方通信、存储转发类、呼叫中心除外),基础电信业务须 由中方控股。 |
21 | 禁止投资互联网新闻信息服务、网络出版服务、网络视听节目服务、互联网文化经 营(音乐除外)、互联网公众发布信息服务(上述服务中,中国入世承诺中已开放 的内容除外)。 |
八、金融业 | |
22 | 证券公司的外资股比不超过51%,证券投资基金管理公司的外资股比不超过51%。 (2021年取消外资股比限制) |
23 | 期货公司的外资股比不超过51%。(2021年取消外资股比限制) |
24 | 寿险公司的外资股比不超过51%。(2021年取消外资股比限制) |
九、租赁和商务服务业 | |
25 | 禁止投资中国法律事务(提供有关中国法律环境影响的信息除外),不得成为国内 律师事务所合伙人。 |
26 | 市场调查限于合资、合作,其中广播电视收听、收视调查须由中方控股。 |
27 | 禁止投资社会调查。 |
十、科学研究和技术服务业 | |
28 | 禁止投资人体干细胞、基因诊断与治疗技术开发和应用。 |
29 | 禁止投资人文社会科学研究机构。 |
30 | 禁止投资大地测量、海洋测绘、测绘航空摄影、地面移动测量、行政区域界线测 绘,地形图、世界政区地图、全国政区地图、省级及以下政区地图、全国性教学地 图、地方性教学地图、真三维地图和导航电子地图编制,区域性的地质填图、矿产 地质、地球物理、地球化学、水文地质、环境地质、地质灾害、遥感地质等调查。 |
十一、教育 | |
31 | 学前、普通高中和高等教育机构限于中外合作办学,须由中方主导(校长或者主要 行政负责人应当具有中国国籍,理事会、董事会或者联合管理委员会的中方组成人 员不得少于1/2)。 |
32 | 禁止投资义务教育机构、宗教教育机构。 |
十二、卫生和社会工作 | |
33 | 医疗机构限于合资、合作。 |
十三、文化、体育和娱乐业 | |
34 | 禁止投资新闻机构(包括但不限于通讯社)。 |
35 | 禁止投资图书、报纸、期刊、音像制品和电子出版物的编辑、出版、制作业务。 |
36 | 禁止投资各级广播电台(站)、电视台(站)、广播电视频道(率)、广播电视传 输覆盖网(发射台、转播台、广播电视卫星、卫星上行站、卫星收转站、微波站、 监测台及有线广播电视传输覆盖网等),禁止从事广播电视视频点播业务和卫星电 视广播地面接收设施安装服务。 |
37 | 禁止投资广播电视节目制作经营(含引进业务)公司。 |
38 | 禁止投资电影制作公司、发行公司、院线公司以及电影引进业务。 |
39 | 禁止投资文物拍卖的拍卖公司、文物商店和国有文物博物馆。 |
40 | 禁止投资文艺表演团体。 |
Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for Admission of Foreign Investment (Year 2019)
S/No | Special Administrative Measures |
I. Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery | |
1 | Controlling stake in new variety breeding and seed production of wheat and maize projects shall be held by the Chinese party. |
2 | Investment in research and development, cultivation and plantation of Chinese rare and unique precious fine varieties, as well as manufacturing of the relevant propagative materials (including excellent genes of planting, husbandry and aquaculture) shall be prohibited. |
3 | Investment in breeding genetically modified varieties of crop seeds, livestock and poultry breeds and aquatic breeds, as well as genetically modified seed (seedling) production, shall be prohibited. |
4 | Investment in aquatic product fishing in China and within China territorial waters shall be prohibited. |
II. Mining | |
5 | Investment in exploration, mining and beneficiation of rare earth, radioactive materials and tungsten shall be prohibited. |
III. Manufacturing | |
6 | Controlling stake in printing of publications shall be held by the Chinese party. |
7 | Investment in the smelting and processing of radioactive minerals as well as production of nuclear fuel shall be prohibited. |
8 | Investment in applications of processing technology such as steaming, frying, broiling, roasting and calcinations of Chinese herbal medicines, as well as production of Chinese medicine confidential prescription products, shall be prohibited. |
9 | Except for special purpose vehicles and new energy vehicles, the Chinese shareholding percentage in automobile manufacturing shall not be less than 50%; a same foreign investor may establish two or less equity joint venture enterprises in China to manufacture the same types of vehicles. (Foreign investor equity ratio restriction for commercial automotive vehicle manufacturing shall be removed in year 2020. Foreign investor equity ratio restriction for passenger automotive vehicle manufacturing, as well as the restriction that a foreign investor may establish two or less equity joint venture enterprises in China to manufacture the same types of vehicles, shall be removed in year 2022.) |
10 | Manufacturing of satellite television ground receiving facilities and key components. |
IV. Power, Heat, Gas and Water Production and Supply | |
11 | Controlling stake in construction and operation of nuclear power plants shall be held by Chinese party. |
12 | Controlling stake in construction and operation of city gas, heat supply and water drainage network for a city with urban population of 500,000 and above shall be held by Chinese party. |
V. Wholesale and Retail Industry | |
13 | Investment in wholesale and retail of tobacco, cigarettes, re-dried leaf tobacco and other tobacco products shall be prohibited. |
VI. Transportation, Warehousing and Mail Services | |
14 | Controlling stake in domestic water transport companies shall be held by Chinese party. |
15 | Controlling stake in public aviation enterprises shall be held by the Chinese party, and the investment ratio of a foreign investor and its associates shall not exceed 25%. The legal representative shall be a Chinese citizen. |
16 | The legal representative of a general aviation enterprise shall be a Chinese citizen; the general aviation enterprises serving the agricultural, forestry and fishery industries shall limit to the form of equity joint venture; controlling stake in other general aviation enterprises shall be held by the Chinese party. |
17 | For construction and operation of civil airports, comparative controlling stake shall be held by Chinese party. |
18 | Investment in air traffic control system shall be prohibited. |
19 | Investment in postal enterprises and domestic express mail business shall be prohibited. |
VII. Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology Services | |
20 | Telecommunications companies: limited to telecommunications services opened up pursuant to China’s WTO commitments; the foreign investment ratio for value-add telecommunications services (except for ecommerce, domestic multi-party communication, store-and-forward, and call center) shall not exceed 50%; controlling stake in basic telecommunications businesses shall be held by the Chinese party. |
21 | Investment in Internet news service, Internet publishing services, Internet audio-visual program service and cyber culture operation (except for music) and Internet information dissemination service (except for contents already opened up pursuant to China’s WTO commitments) shall be prohibited. |
VIII. Finance industry | |
22 | The foreign investment ratio in a securities company shall not exceed 51%; the foreign investment ratio in a securities investment fund management company shall not exceed 51%. (The foreign investment ratio restriction shall be removed in year 2021) |
23 | The foreign investment ratio in a futures company shall not exceed 51%. (The foreign investment ratio restriction shall be removed in year 2021) |
24 | The foreign investment ratio in a life insurance company shall not exceed 51%. (The foreign investment ratio restriction shall be removed in year 2021) |
IX. Leasing and Business Services | |
25 | Investment in China legal service shall be prohibited (except for provision of information which has an impact on the Chinese legal environment); foreign investors shall not be appointed as a partner of a domestic law firm. |
26 | Market research projects shall be limited to the form of equity joint venture or cooperative joint venture; therein, controlling stake in radio and television ratings survey shall be held by the Chinese party. |
27 | Investment in social survey service shall be prohibited. |
X. Scientific Research and Technical Services | |
28 | Investment in development and application of human stem cells, genetic diagnosis and treatment technology shall be prohibited. |
29 | Investment in humanities and social sciences research institutes shall be prohibited. |
30 | Investment in geodetic surveying, ocean mapping, mapping aerial photography, ground motion measurement, administrative boundary mapping; compilation of topographic map, world administrative map, China administrative map, administrative maps of provincial level and below, nationwide teaching maps, local teaching maps, real 3-D maps and electronic navigation map; regional geological mapping, survey of mineral geology, geophysics, earth geochemistry, earth hydrogeology, environmental geology, geological disasters, geological remote sensing etc, shall be prohibited. |
XI. Education | |
31 | Pre-school education, normal high schools and higher education institutions shall be limited to the form of Sino-foreign cooperative joint venture and led by the Chinese party (the principal or the key person-in-charge of administration shall be a Chinese national; Chinese members shall comprise not less than half of the Council, board of directors or joint administrative committee) |
32 | Investment in compulsory education institutions and religious education institutions shall be prohibited. |
XII. Health and Social Work | |
33 | Investment in medical institutions shall be limited to equity joint ventures and cooperative joint ventures. |
XIII. Culture, Sports, and Entertainment | |
34 | Investment in establishment of news organisations (including but not limited to news agencies) shall be prohibited. |
35 | Investment and operation of editing, publication and production of books, newspapers, periodicals, audio-visual products and electronic publications shall be prohibited. |
36 | Investment in establishment and operation of all levels of radio stations, television stations, radio and television channel (frequency), and radio and television transmission coverage networks (including transmitters and relay stations, radio and television satellites, satellite up-stations, satellite transmission stations, microwave stations, monitoring stations, cable radio and television transmission coverage networks etc) shall be prohibited, and engaging in radio and television video on demand services and satellite television ground receiving facilities installation services shall be prohibited. |
37 | Investment in radio and television program production and operation (including introduction of business) enterprises shall be prohibited. |
38 | Investment in film production companies, distribution companies and cinema companies as well as film introduction business shall be prohibited. |
39 | Investment in auction companies, cultural relics stores and State-owned cultural relics museums engaging in auction of cultural relics shall be prohibited. |
40 | Controlling stake in performing arts groups shall be held by Chinese party. |
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